What Does it Take to Improve The Academic Performance and Social/Emotional Well-Being of Diverse Student Populations?
I am so humbled to be able to serve as keynote speaker for the national conference hosted by the America Camp Association. The conference will take place at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center. I will deliver my keynote on February 20, 2019.
In preparation for this event, and in alignment with what I believe should be a national focus for our country, I can’t help but to think about one of my favorite quotes written by William Bracey and it is: We know where the problems exist, we know where the resources are needed, the question is to what extent do we possess the political will to act on what we know?
I would like to give compliments to national leadership at the American Camp Association. In my estimation, they serve as examples of “political will†in action. Recognizing their goal to equip their staff with the cultural competencies needed to ensure that campers have great experiences, they have sought to keep conversation of this nature at the forefront of discussion.
My greatest hope in writing this blog is that you will be inspired to “do something different with what you know.†As you know, we are all working to produce high performing, socially and emotionally sound students. In order to do so effectively the need exists for us to create culturally responsive learning environments in the school, and in the case of my recently published article; the camp setting. I believe that you will develop a very deep appreciation for the information stated in the article whether you are a school district superintendent, board of education member, community member, teacher, parent, camp director or counselor.
To set the stage for what is to come next, my plans for this blog series is to address, on a weekly basis, various aspects of the article. From time to time I will invite guest bloggers to share their thoughts and expertise as it relates to each topic. So… let’s get started. Happy reading!!!https://www.acacamps.org/resource-library/camping-magazine/camp-culture-core-competencies-deeply-engrained-culturally-responsive-camp-leaders?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=SocialMetircs&fbclid=IwAR2QqBtdHozQnjDgzzZFlNDrFFUD7-Z-tRVVa9uv47jjdn9GQ7nxcFIYIfs
Sonya Whitaker
website: sonya whitaker.com
Facebook: Dr Sonya Whitaker
Twitter: drsonyawhitaker@sonyawhitaker